Saturday, October 18, 2014

HVAC Technology in the Fight Against Ebola

"Gigi" Robot
In the on-going fight to eradicate Ebola, a technology that is already being used in the HVAC industry for years is now giving hospitals a "fighting chance" of eliminating the virus.  It has also been used for years to help combat Anthrax.

The robot "Gigi" at left, blasts ultraviolet (UV) light to kill 99.9% of germs in hospitals.  Click on link below for complete report from CNN.
CNN - Germ Zapping Robot

At 1st Choice Heating & Cooling, we have been making UV light equipment available to our customers for over a decade.

Second Wind UV Light
How does it work?  Bacteria and viruses living in your home are transmitted through the air and spread through your HVAC system from room to room. Installing an ultraviolet (UV) light to your system attacks the DNA of the organisms and renders them harmless. By eliminating viruses during the cold and flu season, this technology can help to keep your family healthy.  As an added bonus, the UV light also attacks bacteria and germs that cause odors, keeping your indoor air quality healthy and odor free!

Adding a UV light to your existing HVAC system can give you some "peace of mind", and it is easier and more affordable than most people would think.

Contact your local HVAC contractor today to get a quote on a UV light.  In Southeastern Wisconsin, call 1st Choice Heating & Cooling and ask for Wayne.

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