Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Preparing for Winter

As you rake the fall leaves and prepare your yard for the coming winter months, it is important to think about preparing your furnace as well.   Making sure your intake and exhaust are free of leaves is just as important as clearing them of accumulating snow later in the season.

It is also the perfect opportunity to check and/or change your furnace filter.   Making sure your system has a clean filter, ensures that it will be operating at maximum efficiency.  Also, don't be tempted to purchase a "cheap" replacement filter.  You do get what you pay for!

Most importantly, have you had a qualified HVAC contractor do a tune up on your system in the past few years?  If not, you may be setting yourself up for problems that will inevitably occur when it is least convenient.  If your system has not received routine maintenance, it is more likely to breakdown during a severe cold snap, resulting in an emergency service call.  I cannot tell you how many furnaces I have come across that have suffered an untimely death due to lack of maintenance.  Failure to have your furnace checked on a periodic basis is the equivalent of operating your car without changing the oil.

Investing in a little preventative maintenance now will save you money and headaches down the road.  If you are located in Southeastern Wisconsin, contact 1st Choice Heating and Cooling.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Have You Changed Your Filter?

It only takes a few minutes, but it is easily one of the most overlooked home improvement tasks...changing the furnace filter.  Many homeowners take considerable time doing their homework and making the investment in a high-efficiency furnace.  Why wouldn't you take the time to make sure it is running at maximum efficiency?

If you haven't done it yet, check your filter now... too many systems are often forgotten and the filter is left to languish.  If it looks anything like the filter shown above, you are long overdue.

Now that you've replaced it, make sure you schedule the filter replacement on your calendar each year.  Not only will a clean filter keep the furnace running properly, it will vastly improve your indoor air quality (IAQ).  It may also save you from that unexpected service call.

IMPORTANT:  Don't be tempted to purchase the "bargain" filter from your local home improvement store.  Like most everything, you do get what you pay for.  Many HVAC contractors will provide you with the proper manufacturer filters for a very reasonable price.  

If you are in Southeastern Wisconsin, contact 1st Choice Heating and Cooling in Waukesha.